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Overdose is a recreation of Combat Arms' original map, using Halo Infinite's UGC tool, "Forge". The level was entirely built using primitive shapes & Halo Infinite's stock assets over the course of a month (~300 hours). References for the project were numerous different Youtube videos showcasing gameplay of the map (Unlike Junk Flea, where a more precise and complex process was used—explained in more detail within its own section below).
For this specific level, a collection of scripts were "coded" using Forge's built-in node scripting system called Script Brain. Examples of the developed systems can be found in the album. A video showcasing these systems in action can be found here.
Junk Flea
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Similarly to the previous project, "Overdose", Junk Flea was also a recreation of a map originating from Combat Arms. This was also developed within Halo Infinite's Forge tool over the course of over 400 hours shortly after the tool's release.
The process for this level was slightly different, rather than "eyeballing" it off of Youtube videos, I resorted to seeking out shady tools to rip the original map files out of Combat Arms. Once the original map files were acquired, I brought them into Blender to use as reference for measurements and positioning. Once again however, the level was entirely created with primitive shapes and stock Halo Infinite assets.
In this release I also introduced Gun Game to Halo Infinite - a simple script set which keeps track of a player's scoring on kill to change their weapon according to the corresponding index within a weapon list. You would lose a level if killed by melee, and regain ammunition (but not a level) when killing with melee.
Lake Hot Pursuit
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Hot Pursuit map - main road around the lake with subroutes in the center connecting various islets and shores. Unfortunately no terrain tool in Forge, so all built from individual Halo assets, terrain and rock pieces.
The objective is for cops to chase, and ultimately catch, robbers in order to arrest them. Doing so can be accomplished by either running them off the road into the lake, boxing them in and hijacking them to arrest them, or leaving them stranded to the 10 second death timer. Robbers who are arrested change sides - otherwise must survive for a set amount of time. Scripts can be seen in the album.
The map received 300 bookmarks and 500 plays at a 4.7 rating within the first week of beta testing - it quickly rose to over 1,400 bookmarks and 3,310 lobby plays after the first month.
//Tower Unite
Lumbridge Castle
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For reference, Tower Unite's apartment building tool is extremely barebones. Nearly entirely made out of cubes and other primitive shapes, this is a high fidelity re-creation of Runescape's "Lumbridge Castle". Similarly to most of my other Tower Unite creations, this was made purely as a social space before the scripting update.
Quindecim (Death Parade/Billiards)
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Created the Quindecim bar using the Death Parade anime and Death Billiards pilot. Social space useable as a Tower Unite Condo. Mostly everything but the bamboo and jukebox are primitives and in-game props. Stained glass/other graphics were created as SVGs in Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape and GIMP. NPC is a character model which I created in VRoid Studio by adjusting physical features, creating hair and heavily modifying base template clothing to match that of the anime character. The model was then imported and rigged into Blender then brought over into Tower Unite.
Exploded Cinema
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Inspired by the "Exploded" Cinema at the Wushang Zhongyan Mall in Wuhan, China.
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Short abandoned project of an inhabited underground Metro tunnel space, inspired by the Aesthetic of the Metro video games.
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Circa 2020. A classic recreation of one of Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix' (2002) most iconic maps, "mp_shop".
Thy Kingdom Come (Mirror's Edge Catalyst)
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Small scale project made to test some of Roblox Studio's features. Based on a particular part of a level titled "Thy Kingdom Come" within Mirror's Edge Catalyst, it aims to emulate an efficient low poly and sleek minimalistic environment commonly found within the Mirror's Edge games.
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Quake 3 Arena's most influential map, Q3DM17 also known as "The Longest Yard", remade within Roblox Studio.