Level Design / Halo Infinite / Overdose





Halo Infinite's Forge mode includes a node scripting tool called "Script Brain". It consists of various event listeners, triggers, variables and tons of other settings. For Overdose specifically, many systems were scripted to emulate the gameplay experience found in Combat Arm's Quarantine game mode.

Unfortunately as contextual player damage events were and still aren't available in Forge, it was impossible to create a bullet knockback effect due to being unable to get the aggressor's aiming vector to control the knockback direction. Instead, a health-polling script was written in order to slow down zombies when their health had changed between ticks (damaged). The same method was utilized for zombification in order to produce an "in-place" zombification system, not requiring the killing and respawning of a human player to turn them into a zombie. This however had the unfortunate side-effect of turning off self-damage from sources such as grenades, or even environmental hazards like nerve gas in the ventilation systems meant to discourage highly advantageous camping spots -- though it is less of an issue due to bullets not knocking back in this version thus not resulting in an endless standoff in the vents with humans cycling "shifts" while others reload.

This however still meant that this version of the map was one which did not fall completely in line with my intended vision of the game mode, thus a final version is still in progress until 343 includes an "On Player Damaged" event node in their Forge development kit. If and when one is included, most of the scripting for the level would be reworked to function with said new and better system.

Level Design / Halo Infinite / Overdose