The Rarus Continent

The Rarus Continent mirrors the real world, and players can find delicately designed towns and cities just as in the real world. Light and shadows coexists. Well-known creatures from the real world can be found everywhere.

World map of Rarus
Rarus Continent World Map

The nine central cities of Rarus

  • Sky Passage
  • Woodlingor
  • Blython
  • Desert City
  • Cursed Square
  • Mage Town
  • Borg Town
  • Ice-wing City
Sky Passage

The Sky Garden in Woodlingor is as beautiful as the name suggests, artfully crafted by the gods. The pale moonlight directly shines upon this blessed land through the clouds, and the starry night sky and snowy ground make the Sky Garden unconventionally graceful. In the day time, the tall trees touch the sky and mingle with clouds. Players, whether it is to duel in peace or exchange sweet words with their lovers, can find their peace in this special location.


Woodlingor is a city populated by elves. In general, elves are gentle and benevolent and have a deep and abiding love for and connection to the environment. The care they have taken in constructing the tree dwellings and the seamless mix between elf and nature means that Woodlingor is a truly green city.

With its green focus, the usual array of cozy cottages and stylish wood houses add to the organic natural feel of the city. Pay a visit to the teleport sites, which are always busy, but never crowded. Set up a stall and do business here. With all the passersby, business is a breeze.

Woodlingor, a city at harmony with nature, and the world.


Etiam ullamcorper vestibulum quam at placerat. Maecenas vitae iaculis sem. Nulla vel velit a sem volutpat porttitor ut vel ipsum. Vestibulum placerat eget nibh vel lobortis. Etiam eget orci lacus. Aliquam tempus mi ut quam laoreet, et euismod est condimentum. Aliquam sit amet enim imperdiet, gravida tellus ut, lacinia lectus. Ut a felis in felis auctor luctus. Etiam sed ligula at sapien pulvinar elementum non vel urna. Aenean venenatis venenatis velit, vel malesuada libero semper et. Etiam maximus nulla quam, eget sodales lectus eleifend sit amet. Suspendisse sit amet mattis mauris, nec finibus eros. Nunc a consectetur urna. Phasellus congue tempus velit. Nulla eu dui turpis.

Blython closing statement

Desert City

Vivamus pretium enim a bibendum ornare. Phasellus at iaculis ligula. Cras dui magna, blandit et tortor at, malesuada aliquam diam. Nullam vitae aliquam sapien. Etiam semper lacus quis mauris molestie, euismod maximus quam venenatis. Phasellus eu nibh sed felis imperdiet eleifend vel at augue. Curabitur eget lobortis magna. Aliquam at nibh non ipsum fringilla gravida quis vitae diam. Nullam commodo ac odio quis placerat. Mauris nunc arcu, vehicula id dictum eget, pulvinar sed nunc. Donec a erat eros. Nam ac mauris eu ex commodo lacinia quis eget ligula. Curabitur efficitur hendrerit lorem. Nam interdum, magna sit amet consequat faucibus, mauris risus imperdiet dolor, at blandit lorem felis ut dolor.

Desert City closing statement

Cursed Square

Nullam ut commodo lorem, nec finibus erat. Cras fringilla vulputate mauris. Mauris eros nisl, feugiat ac venenatis eu, condimentum nec turpis. Donec feugiat congue elit in hendrerit. Morbi nec quam laoreet, vulputate ante non, volutpat tortor. Aenean ut risus sit amet felis convallis bibendum ut id ligula. Sed placerat quam non volutpat volutpat. Sed commodo nisl non malesuada commodo. Proin et dignissim ipsum, id gravida eros. Praesent laoreet, massa non commodo ullamcorper, diam quam vulputate nisl, viverra suscipit nunc sapien in lectus. Sed at aliquam sem, ac sagittis lacus. Aenean id odio dapibus enim scelerisque eleifend vitae id justo.

Cursed Square closing statement

Mage Town
Not much is known regarding Mage Town.
Borg Town
Not much is known regarding Borg Town.
Ice-wing City
Not much is known regarding Ice-wing City. End of page